Finding your meaning, living and working in alignment with your values

Joel Napenas

Finding your meaning, living and working in alignment with your values
Permission to Pivot – Living True to One’s Self

I had the distinct honor of being on Dr. Jillian Rigert’s Permission to Pivot Podcast this week.  I was fortunate to have mentored her while she trained as a resident in my program.  Since then, she has grown into a researcher, YouTuber and TedX speaker, having built a platform being the voice of physicians and dentists seeking to live the life true to one’s self.

In our wide ranging discussion, we talked about:

  • My journey taking the unconventional route becoming a dentist, academic and mentor
  • How we wrongly fall into the trap of choosing a career based on prestige and pay, which leads to burnout, unhappiness and unfulfillment
  • Why our traditional schooling and money mindset relegate us to being cogs in the wheel trading time for dollars and how we can break out of that
  • How ‘being the dumbest person in the room’ and embracing failures are crucial for growth
  • How time is the most valuable asset, and one must get the greatest return of investment of their time

Of course, we also talk about real estate, what it has done for us, and how you can get started.

The key principles of our discussion are as follows:

  1. Choose a career or vocation that aligns with your talents, strengths and values, and will earn you a decent living.
  2. Do not expend the majority or entirety of your earnings to fund your chosen lifestyle, which includes your home.
  3. After addressing obligations, allocate your earnings into assets that will grow and earn money into your bank account, specifically assets that will appreciate and earn you passive income.
  4. The nest egg and the passive income that it generates is used to fund your lifestyle, and it is then is when you can up-level it to above and beyond the basics.
  5. Once you have achieved this, you can continue (or not) to stay in your vocation on your own terms, knowing that you are serving because YOU WANT TO and not because you have to.

We concluded our conversation with the following principle:

TIME is your most valuable and irreplaceable asset.  Make sure you are getting the best return on the investment of your time, both financially and in terms of service and fulfillment. Therefore be the best steward of your time. While money and finances are not everything, financial well-being, and freedom will buy you back your time, so you can use it to do the things that matter to you the most.

If you want to talk about how you can build and preserve wealth and generate passive income like the ultra-rich, set up a time to talk with me

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