Our Appearance on the ‘Doctors Building Wealth’ Podcast

Joel Napenas

Our Appearance on the ‘Doctors Building Wealth’ Podcast

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Dr. Joel J. Napeñas

We had the distinct privilege of being interviewed by our mentors, Drs. Letizia Alto and Kenji Asakura of Semi Retired MD to tell our story about our initial foray as real estate investors.  Our appearance was on their podcast entitled Doctors Building Wealth.

Access the podcast interview here:



Link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1R3R5f1yRXoRDfcr5zyruH?si=-3CUxJWlTEuwC__fW6BaoQ

Apple podcasts:


In the interview, we tell our story from the beginning to include:

  • How much of a sacrifice made to pursue Joel’s chosen career and ‘dream job’, and why we needed to look at other streams of income outside of his job.
  • Our initial experience learning about real estate investing and making our initial offers while still in the course and being mentored.
  • How the Tampa market’s natural rent growth and appreciation has allowed us to increase rents by 25% and triple our equity on our very first property in less than 2 years.
  • The trials and tribulations of renovation cost overruns, squatters, shady sellers and drug dealers on our second property, and the road to doubling its value and doubling its rents.
  • The satisfaction of improving communities and living conditions for tenants
  • The importance of mentors and community as real estate investors
  • Building our real estate empire and business as a couple
  • Our evolution to syndicators in apartment investing, and why we want to help others’ invest
  • Dentists as investors and how their burnout differs than physicians’

Connecting with our mentors

Leti and Kenji, retired physicians, prolific real estate investors and entrepreneurs, have been amazing mentors to us, not only teaching us the mechanics of being real estate investors, but also the mindset to succeed. 

We quote Tony Robbins in the interview by saying that ‘Proximity Is Power.’  If there is a goal or place you want to get to, then find mentors and a community who are doing exactly what you want to do, and surround yourself with them. 

Dr. Napeñas, a practicing academic dental specialist in Oral Medicine, is founder and managing partner of 5DH Partners, a real estate investing firm that educates and helps dentists and other professionals generate passive income and build wealth through investing in real estate.

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